class Procedure:
def __init__(self, startlevel:float, signal_length:float, headphone_name:str="Sennheiser_HDA200", calibrate:bool=True):
"""Creates the parent class for the familiarization, the main procedure, and the screening.
startlevel (float): starting level of procedure in dB HL
signal_length (float): length of played signals in seconds
headphone_name (str, optional): Name of headphone model being used. Defaults to Sennheiser_HDA200.
calibrate (bool, optional): Use calibration file. Defaults to True.
self.ap = AudioPlayer()
self.startlevel = startlevel
self.level = startlevel
self.signal_length = signal_length
self.frequency = 1000
self.zero_dbhl = 0.000005 # zero_dbhl in absolute numbers. This is a rough guess for uncalibrated systems and will be adjusted through the calibration file
self.tone_heard = False
self.freq_bands = ['125', '250', '500', '1000', '2000', '4000', '8000']
self.freq_levels = {125: 20, 250: 20, 500: 20, 1000: 20, 2000: 20, 4000: 20, 8000: 20} # screening levels
self.side = 'l'
self.test_mode = False # set True to be able to skip procedures with right arrow key
self.jump_to_end = False
self.use_calibration = calibrate
self.progress = 0 # value for progressbar
self.retspl = self.get_retspl_values(headphone_name)
self.calibration = self.get_calibration_values()
self.save_path = self.get_save_path() # Initialize save_path
def get_retspl_values(self, headphone_name:str):
"""Reads the correct RETSPL values from the retspl.csv file.
headphone_name (str): exact name of headphone as it appears in CSV file
dict of int:float : RETSPL values for each frequency band from 125 Hz to 8000 Hz
file_name = 'retspl.csv'
# Check if the CSV file exists
if not os.path.isfile(file_name):
print(f"File '{file_name}' not found.")
retspl_values = {}
with open(file_name, mode='r') as file:
reader = csv.DictReader(file)
for row in reader:
if row['headphone_model'] == headphone_name:
retspl_values[int(row['frequency'])] = float(row['retspl'])
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error reading the file: {e}")
# Check if the headphone model was found
if not retspl_values:
print(f"Headphone model '{headphone_name}' not found.")
return retspl_values
def get_calibration_values(self)->dict:
"""Read the correct calibration values from the calibration.csv file.
dict of int:float : calibration values for each frequency band from 125 Hz to 8000 Hz
file_name = 'calibration.csv'
# Check if the CSV file exists
if not os.path.isfile(file_name):
print(f"File '{file_name}' not found.")
with open(file_name, mode='r') as file:
reader = csv.DictReader(file)
calibration_str_values_l = next(reader)
calibration_str_values_r = next(reader)
# convert dictionary to int:float and put into extra dictionary for left and right side
calibration_values = {}
calibration_values['l'] = {int(k): float(v) for k, v in calibration_str_values_l.items()}
calibration_values['r'] = {int(k): float(v) for k, v in calibration_str_values_r.items()}
# if both sides are used, calculate average between both sides
calibration_values['lr'] = {}
for k, v in calibration_values['l'].items():
calibration_values['lr'][k] = (10 * np.log10((10 ** (v / 10) + 10 ** (calibration_values['r'][k] / 10)) / 2))
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error reading the file: {e}")
return calibration_values
def dbhl_to_volume(self, dbhl:float)->float:
"""Calculate dB HL into absolute numbers.
dbhl (float): value in dB HL
float: value in absolute numbers
if self.use_calibration:
# add RETSPL and values from calibration file at that frequency
dbspl = dbhl + self.retspl[self.frequency] - self.calibration[self.side][self.frequency]
# only add RETSPL
dbspl = dbhl + self.retspl[self.frequency]
return self.zero_dbhl * 10 ** (dbspl / 20) # calculate from dB to absolute numbers using the reference point self.zero_dbhl
def key_press(self, key:keyboard.Key):
"""Function for pynputto be called on key press
key (keyboard.Key): key that was pressed
if key ==
self.tone_heard = True
print("Tone heard!")
elif self.test_mode and key == keyboard.Key.right:
self.jump_to_end = True
def play_tone(self):
"""Sets tone_heard to False, play beep, then waits 4 s (max) for keypress.
Sets tone_heard to True if key is pressed.
Then waits for around 1 s to 2.5 s (randomized).
self.tone_heard = False
print(self.frequency, "Hz - playing tone at", self.level, "dBHL.")
self.ap.play_beep(self.frequency, self.dbhl_to_volume(self.level), self.signal_length, self.side)
listener = keyboard.Listener(on_press=self.key_press, on_release=None)
current_wait_time = 0
max_wait_time = 4000 # in ms
step_size = 50 # in ms
while current_wait_time < max_wait_time and not self.tone_heard: # wait for keypress
time.sleep(step_size / 1000)
current_wait_time += step_size
if not self.tone_heard:
print("Tone not heard :(")
sleep_time = random.uniform(1, 2.5) # random wait time between 1 and 2.5
time.sleep(sleep_time) # wait before next tone is played. #TODO test times
def create_temp_csv(self, id:str="", **additional_data)->str:
"""Creates a temporary CSV file with the relevant frequency bands as a header
and NaN in the second and third line as starting value for each band.
(second line: left ear, third line: right ear)
ID and additional data will be stored in subsequent lines in the format: key, value.
id (str, optional): id to be stored, that will later be used for naming exported csv file
**additional_data: additional key/value pairs to be stored in CSV file after procedure is done
str: name of temporary file
with tfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w+', delete=False, newline='', suffix='.csv') as temp_file:
# Define the CSV writer
csv_writer = csv.writer(temp_file)
# Write header
# Write value NaN for each frequency in second and third row
csv_writer.writerow(['NaN' for _ in range(len(self.freq_bands))])
csv_writer.writerow(['NaN' for _ in range(len(self.freq_bands))])
# Write id and additional data
if id:
csv_writer.writerow(["id", id])
if additional_data:
for key, value in additional_data.items():
csv_writer.writerow([key, value])
def add_to_temp_csv(self, value:str, frequency:str, side:str, temp_filename:str):
"""Add a value in for a specific frequency to the temporary CSV file
value (str): level in dB HL at specific frequency
frequency (str): frequency where value should be added
side (str): specify which ear ('l' or 'r')
temp_filename (str): name of temporary CSV file
# Read all rows from the CSV file
with open(temp_filename, mode='r', newline='') as temp_file:
dict_reader = csv.DictReader(temp_file)
rows = list(dict_reader)
# Update the relevant row based on the side parameter
if side == 'l':
rows[0][frequency] = value
elif side == 'r':
rows[1][frequency] = value
rows[0][frequency] = value
rows[1][frequency] = value
# Write all rows back to the CSV file
with open(temp_filename, mode='w', newline='') as temp_file:
dict_writer = csv.DictWriter(temp_file, fieldnames=self.freq_bands)
print(rows[0], rows[1])
for row in rows[2:]:
print(row['125'], row['250'])
def get_value_from_csv(self, frequency:str, temp_filename:str, side:str='l')->str:
"""Get the value at a specific frequency from the temporary CSV file.
frequency (str): frequency where value is stored
temp_filename (str): name of temporary CSV file
side (str, optional): specify which ear ('l' or 'r'). Defaults to 'l'.
str: dB HL value at specified frequency
with open(temp_filename, mode='r', newline='') as temp_file:
dict_reader = csv.DictReader(temp_file)
freq_dict = next(dict_reader) # left ear
if side == 'r': # go to next line if right side
freq_dict = next(dict_reader)
return freq_dict[frequency]
def create_final_csv_and_audiogram(self, temp_filename:str, binaural:bool=False):
"""Creates a permanent CSV file and audiogram from the temporary file.
temp_filename (str): Name of the temporary CSV file.
binaural (bool): If the test is binaural.
# Read the temporary file
with open(temp_filename, mode='r', newline='') as temp_file:
dict_reader = csv.DictReader(temp_file)
rows = list(dict_reader)
# Get date and time
now =
date_str = now.strftime("%Y%m%d_%H%M%S")
id = rows[2]['250']
id = "missingID"
# Create folder for the subject
folder_name = os.path.join(self.save_path, f"{id}")
if not os.path.exists(folder_name):
final_csv_filename = os.path.join(folder_name, f"{id}_audiogramm_{date_str}.csv")
# Write the permanent CSV file
with open(final_csv_filename, mode='x', newline='') as final_file:
dict_writer = csv.DictWriter(final_file, fieldnames=self.freq_bands)
freqs = [int(x) for x in self.freq_bands]
left_levels = [self.parse_dbhl_value(rows[0][freq]) for freq in self.freq_bands]
right_levels = [self.parse_dbhl_value(rows[1][freq]) for freq in self.freq_bands]
# Generate the audiogram filename
audiogram_filename = os.path.join(folder_name, f"{id}_audiogram_{date_str}.png")
print(left_levels, right_levels)
create_audiogram(freqs, left_levels, right_levels, binaural=binaural, name=audiogram_filename, freq_levels=self.freq_levels)
def parse_dbhl_value(self, value:str)->int:
"""Parses the dBHL value from the CSV file.
value (str): the value from the CSV file
int or None: the parsed value or None if 'NH'
if value == 'NH':
return 'NH'
return int(value)
except ValueError:
return None
def get_progress(self)->float:
"""Gets the current progress.
float: progress value between 0.0 and 1.0
return self.progress
def get_save_path(self)->str:
"""Gets selected path from settings.csv file for saving files.
str: save path
file_name = 'settings.csv'
# Check if the CSV file exists
if not os.path.isfile(file_name):
print(f"File '{file_name}' not found.")
save_path = ""
with open(file_name, mode='r') as file:
reader = csv.DictReader(file)
settings = next(reader)
if settings['file path']:
save_path = settings['file path']
save_path = os.getcwd()
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error reading the file: {e}")
return save_path